Fay Andrinen

Title: Fay Andrinen

Photoshop, A3-size


When I was younger, I created a character who was a thief/sorceror who wanted nothing more than to cause the world’s destruction because her daddy told her so. That was the original Fay Andrinen. Her name, Faiyeth, was supposed to be “Faith” with a y and an e added in to look cool. I thought it was ironic back then.

Over the years, Fay has become something like an elegant assasin who, while not opting for world destruction, doesn’t really care what happens as long as she accomplishes her goals in the best way possible. Originally, she was one of those otherworldly beings, thus giving her an excuse for blue hair, pointed ears, red eyes and wings. Ironically, a shortened term of her name, “Fey”, means exactly that- a powerful, otherworldly being.

In the above picture, she’s snuck into someone’s room, thoroughly prepared to administer a coup de grace, only to be interrupted by either the guards or the target himself. Instead of fleeing in fear, she draws her sword, ready to fight, an arrogant smirk on her face as she thinks, “You have no idea who you’re dealing with here.”

About Low Wai Yin

A student in Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore, Digital Media Design (Animation). Enjoys reading, storytelling, playing games, and writing. Wants to write a comic in the future. Always in search for new information for things that catch her interest: Mythology, conspiracy theories, history, science, crime stories.
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