Broken Mirror

Broken Mirror

A2 Catridge Paper and 4B Pencil

This was originally part of an illustration assignment for drawing class (which became more or less like: put as many symbolic references as you can within one drawing to tell a story!). The prompt title for this work was “Discovering Destructive Force in Innermost World” and after a night of watching murder mysteries with only two weeks more to the deadline, I came up with… this.

Basically, the gist of the piece goes like this: Person goes forth to face said destructive force, used as a pawn by some other force, only to end up being destroyed instead. And as for the mirror in her hand? It was supposed to imply that said destructive force was oneself. So yeah… maybe I shouldn’t have watched so many murder mysteries that night.

About Low Wai Yin

A student in Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore, Digital Media Design (Animation). Enjoys reading, storytelling, playing games, and writing. Wants to write a comic in the future. Always in search for new information for things that catch her interest: Mythology, conspiracy theories, history, science, crime stories.
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